Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

Hormone Imbalances and the Endocrine system

The hormones are the directing system of the body. In proper amounts and in right relationship to each other the hormones communicate with every cell in your body giving your body the correct prompts and signals for what functions your body performs and in what order and to what degree. Unfortunately, due to stressors both emotional, dietary, and chemical from our man made environment, processed foods and water almost everyone’s hormones are chronically disrupted. The disruption of our hormonal balance causes the systems of our bodies to function irregularly . Over time these hormonal imbalances can create decreased vitality and numerous medical conditions leading to a shortened life span and decreased quality of life.

Hormone Imbalances in Women

Women often notice hormonal imbalances at earlier ages than men do because of the more complicated hormonal cycles involved in female reproduction. Premenstrual syndrome, perimenopause and menopausal symptoms are all symptoms of hormonal imbalances and are not “normal” for women to have; although, most women do have them to some degree. They signal that there is an imbalance going on and if significant corrections are not made early on, the symptoms sometimes get much worse and cause serious illness….fibroids, endometriosis, hot flashes, night sweats, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, diabetes, joint pain and possibly even cancer are linked to hormonal imbalance.

Functional Endocrinology

Functional Endocrinology is a medical system focused on naturally balancing both the male and female hormonal system. Andrea Ford, L. Ac., has studied with  Dr. Janet Lang, D.C. and Dr. Datis Kharrahzian, D.C., internationally known teachers and researchers in the field of natural hormone balancing since 2006. She specializes in Natural Hormone Balancing with Chinese Herbal Formulas, acupuncture, organic whole food supplements and bioidentical hormones. Simple, noninvasive saliva testing and hair analysis are available and may be recommended to determine the patients exact hormonal imbalance and to track your progress in the process of the patient’s balancing.

Chinese Medicine and Weight Loss

Chinese Medicine assists patients with weight loss by balancing blood sugar and hormone levels, increasing insulin permeability and balancing the digestive processes so that you do not feel hungry. Chinese medicine also balances you emotionally so you feel like taking better care of yourself and making healthier choices. 

The Purification Diet

Andrea routinely recommends the Standard Process Purification Diet to most of her patients that need to loose weight or just heal health concerns in general. This program not only works wonders for patients that need to lose weight, but it also balances all the systems of the body especially the blood sugar, adrenals, and hormones thereby drastically reducing inflammation which makes pain disappear and prevents illness, heals digestive problems, greatly improves adrenal fatigue, allergies, joint pain and in general greatly improves most conditions.

The supplements and smoothies that come with this Standard Process Purification Product Kit are medical grade, concentrated nutrients that balance you the way nature intended with all natural, organic food in convenient capsules and powders. Taken at prescribed times along with a mostly natural fruit and vegetable diet, Ms. Ford calls this diet "the fountain of youth" because everyone she has seen who has gone on it has dramatically healed of whatever ailed them at the same time that they have returned to a much healthier weight.

For more information on this diet and to see exactly what this wonderful program is go to:

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