Every Wednesday | 12:00PM - 2:00PM | By Appointment
Acupuncture works by freeing up blockages and strengthening deficiencies in the flow of a person’s energy. On the first visit, the practitioner listens to you tell your story of your symptoms and what has lead you to seek acupuncture treatment.Your medical history, your life stressors, past and present, your diet, exercise, and your predominant emotions. All of these characteristics of who you are are taken into account as the practitioner diagnoses the pattern of imbalance that you have which has given rise to the particular problems you are having.During the course of treatment patients usually experience a gradual lessening of symptoms, and an increased feeling of good health. In many cases additional improvements occur that are outside of what the original concern was for seeking treatment. For instance, often a patient comes in only for back pain, but during the course of treatment they may also feel like they have more energy, a better mood in general, better digestion and they may also find they sleep better. Their whole being seems to improve at once because acupuncture treats the energy field which affects the total person, so healing occurs on all levels at once all over the body. In other words, it balances you body-mind-and spirit so you can begin to heal.
Andrea is offering Chinese medicine to you at a rate you can afford. Receive acupuncture treatments in a group setting during this weekly clinic Experience the healing and relaxation of Chinese Medicine.
Affordable | Schedule Your Appointment Today with Andrea | $30.00
114 Hemlock St | Dillsboro, North Carolina |
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